SOLSC- 21/31

I really didn’t do anything special today. Apart from cleaning my room, I’ve pretty much just a lazy day. I lounged around the house, reading on Wattpad and my brothers and I watched How to Train Your Dragon 2. I’m not complaining about the lack of events though. In many cases lazy days are the best days. Today was definitely one of those cases.

SOLSC- 20/31

Just last night my grandma drove three hours to come visit us and check in on me. Now due to my nasty little sickness I’ve stayed home from school all week to recover. Since my grandma is here, my mom was able to return to work. This morning my grandma and I watched The Maze Runner, which is my favorite movie of all time. I’ve watched it practically a thousand times! We then ate a lunch of grilled cheese and tomatoe soup then went for a walk down the drive way. I had a fun hanging out with my grandma!

SOLSC- 19/31

The ladybugs click click click against my light, trying to find a way to get closer to the beloved bulb

Our furnace swooshes on as it fills the house with warm air

My clock tick-tocks, counting down each second

Downstairs the dryer warms our clothes, rattling as it works

The cats paws thud on the carpet, tearing after each other in their playful fighting

And I sigh in content as the ladybugs finally cease their endless war of clicking

Sorry for not Posting

On Saturday I landed myself in the hospital with some nasty virus. I was let out around     mid-day on Tuesday. So over the course of those days, plus yesterday, I did write. My writings were more personal those days since they were about me being weak in the hospital. I won’t post what I wrote because they are more personal but I’m going to start posting my slices again today.

SOLSC- 13/31

My right side is smashed against the window and Julia is pressed up against my left. In the other side of Julia is Anna, all three of us squeezed into one seat. Everyone is crammed uncomfortably in a seat, instrument in hand. It’s so loud I can barely hear myself think. There are nearly 91 kids, plus instruments, packed into the bus. I can’t wait until we make it to festival, until we can all pour out of this crammed bus.

SOLSC- 12/31

I got back from my dance performance about an hour ago. My legs ache and exhaustion threatens pulls me under. I welcome the sleep with open arms.

SOLSC- 11/31

Today is such a busy day, full of athletics. Right after school I had cross country. Then I quickly did my homework and got ready for my dress rehearsal. I’m currently in the car wearing my performance dress, bubble socks glued to my legs, and hair up in a ponytail. Tomorrow is my first performance! I’m so excited!

SOLSC- 10/31

I was bustling around the kitchen, trying to finish my chores when my mom called for us. “Guys, put your boots on and go outside. Your dad wants to show you something.”

I already had my tennis shoes on so I went out as is, not realizing it was going to be wet. When I got outside cool air washes over me. It’s not uncomfortably cold though, it’s almost refreshing. My dad then looked up from his work. He was filling the wood stove. “Can you hear it?” He asked. I stopped walking, straining to hear the mysterious noise. At first I didn’t hear anything but the wind. Then the sound of rushing water filled my ears. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Dad motioned for me to follow him as Mom and Jace walked out in their boots. Following my dad, we all walked towards the sound. I stepped around puddles as the land grew soggier. We reached the back yard in no time and my dad stopped. In front of us was a small stream. Water rushed down the slanted land, towards the swamp. Cadin then shows up at the stream as my dad explains how the snow melted so fast that it created a stream. He says that this never happened before. Our yard floods but the stream is new. Spring brings some crazy things!

SOLSC- 9/31

I’ve had such an uneventful day. I woke up insanely early for school and got ready, fighting to staying awake. How I wanted to welcome sleep with open arms, but instead I was dragged off to school. I arrived at school and and my struggle to remain concious continued. Finally the day ended and I was carted home by the school bus, having survived another Monday. Just when I though the torture was over, homework crashed over me like a wave. All in time, school was over and my homework was done. Just one last task. Chores. I took the dishes from the dishwasher and put them back in their rightful place. Then I loaded the dishes from the sink into the machine, getting food all over my hands in the process. Once the dishwasher was started and my hands were clean I went up to my room, finally free from my responsibilities. I cuddled with my cats, Newt and Olaf, and got onto Wattpad, enjoying my freedom. For tomorrow I knew, I would have to return to school, complete my homework, and do my chores, all over again.

SOLSC- 8/31

Sunday is one of my least favorite days for a few reasons. I feel like you can’t get through a Sunday without this awful voice inside your head, nagging you about how you have to return to school tomorrow. There is also last minute homework that you’ve put off all weekend. You wish you did your homework first thing on Friday and vow not to procrastinate next weekend. But of course you put off the homework again, not able to help your self. Worst, you have to get to bed at a reasonable time after staying up late all weekend. If you don’t, come Monday morning, you regret staying up later than 10:30.

I think every student understands that Sunday dread. The clock ticking closer and closer to the end of the day, closer to Monday morning.