SOLSC – 15/31

My dad and I lounge on the couch, listening to old songs off of google play. Words to the silly songs by Peter, Paul, and Mommy and Tom Chapin are still imprinted to our brains as if it hasn’t been years since we’ve last heard them.

I glance over at my youngest brother who is playing the Wii U, tuning out the music that shaped my childhood. It seems so strange, sad in fact, that he has never heard these songs that are stuck so firmly in my head. I can still remember the emotions tied to the music, the strange sadness accompanied with one of my favorites, The Marvelous Toy. It seemed so sad to my younger self’s brain that he never quite knew what his toy was.

We play another song, singing along and laughing at the strange lyrics. I realize how much I loved the days where we sat in the car, singing along to CDs. Those days were so simple and fun, the only concern was if Peter, Paul, and Mommy ever found out what their “marvelous toy” was. Such simple joy washes over us now as we continue to search google play, finding more and more old favorite songs and memories.

One thought on “SOLSC – 15/31

  1. The power of music to transport us is something that still astounds me! I can hear a song, and like you said, remember all the “emotions tied to the music.” I’ll have to listen to find this song and give it a listen!

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